Unless you regularly spend time around activists, one thing that might surprise you about activism is how many activists wish they weren't activists. Didn't plan to do it, don't want the gig, but feel compelled because no one else signed up. If not them, then who? I learned this (and quite a few other things) … Continue reading Why the Climate Crisis is an… Advertising Crisis?
P4: A Modern Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility
Recently I've been spending a lot of time speaking with corporate social responsibility leaders, both at larger organizations as well as startups. Social responsibility today has parallels that remind me of social media in its early days: it's a tectonic shift in culture, it will reach every employee, has widespread organizational consequences, and it's going … Continue reading P4: A Modern Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility
On Changing the World vs. Making it Better
When I was a kid, I was fortunate to have parents and teachers who told me I could grow up and "change the world." Anything's possible - the only limits are your creativity and persistence (they never really tell you about the "luck" part). Wanting to change the world is what drives so many of … Continue reading On Changing the World vs. Making it Better
On Fascism, Identity, Cryptoassets and the Future of Censorship
Today, more people around the world have the ability to exchange ideas and value with one another than ever before. Yet even at this historic height of connectivity and interconnectedness, we live in increasingly complex and alarming times when it comes to free speech, trust and censorship. In the past week alone: The US Federal … Continue reading On Fascism, Identity, Cryptoassets and the Future of Censorship
What Happened When I Called Out 300 Russian Propaganda Trolls on Twitter
They make liberal use of cat photos and emojis, drape themselves in American flag iconography, and go by handles like "Saving America," "4GodandCountry," and "ROCK ON OHIO." And yesterday, scores of them started attacking me online. @ChrisBolman Check out this turd burglar must be sniffing the methane off his dildo's before he types his rants. … Continue reading What Happened When I Called Out 300 Russian Propaganda Trolls on Twitter
The Real History of Fake News
When starting a serious conversation about the truth -- perception versus reality, what's real and what's fake -- it might be a bit unorthodox to begin by quoting a comedian. But, in the midst of 2017, with accusations and counter-claims of "fake news" flaring up day after day by politicians at the media, by people … Continue reading The Real History of Fake News
The Simple $100 Million Dollar Product Strategy
Product strategy is usually hard. Product-market fit is elusive, organizations are complicated, competitors move fast, and culture and technology evolve constantly, forcing strategists to continuously test and refine their work to stay ahead and eke out advantages. But every once and a while though, a startup comes along that nails product strategy with beautiful, pristine simplicity. … Continue reading The Simple $100 Million Dollar Product Strategy
Is the ‘Startup Disrupting Big Brands’ Narrative Actually Bullsh*t?
I hear it all the time, from coffee shops and co-working spaces to the office hallways of the world's largest companies. The excitement, anxiety, even mythology of startup brand and business model "disruption." Because it's happening all around us and it's inevitable, right? Pick an industry, any industry, and surely it's about to be unbundled … Continue reading Is the ‘Startup Disrupting Big Brands’ Narrative Actually Bullsh*t?
The End of the Org Chart
There isn’t much to do in Maspeth, NY on a weekday afternoon. Nestled next to an expressway on the outer Brooklyn-Queens border, Maspeth’s defining feature is its warehouse district — a collection of gritty, similar-looking buildings next to a small creek and set of train tracks. At peak mid-summer heat, with temperatures north of 90F, Maspeth … Continue reading The End of the Org Chart
Why I Think Zuckerberg is Trying to Kill Influencer Marketing
I have a new theory -- call it a prediction -- about the future of influencer marketing. Recently, Instagram has been meeting with some of its latest advertisers and media partners to council them on the social platform's latest algorithm update -- a transition that will rank newsfeed content by relevance, rather than chronology, similar to its parent … Continue reading Why I Think Zuckerberg is Trying to Kill Influencer Marketing