Why the Climate Crisis is an… Advertising Crisis?

Unless you regularly spend time around activists, one thing that might surprise you about activism is how many activists wish they weren't activists. Didn't plan to do it, don't want the gig, but feel compelled because no one else signed up. If not them, then who? I learned this (and quite a few other things) … Continue reading Why the Climate Crisis is an… Advertising Crisis?

P4: A Modern Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility

Recently I've been spending a lot of time speaking with corporate social responsibility leaders, both at larger organizations as well as startups. Social responsibility today has parallels that remind me of social media in its early days: it's a tectonic shift in culture, it will reach every employee, has widespread organizational consequences, and it's going … Continue reading P4: A Modern Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility

On Changing the World vs. Making it Better

When I was a kid, I was fortunate to have parents and teachers who told me I could grow up and "change the world." Anything's possible - the only limits are your creativity and persistence (they never really tell you about the "luck" part). Wanting to change the world is what drives so many of … Continue reading On Changing the World vs. Making it Better

How to Live & Lead a Rewarding Career (Podcast Interview)

Earlier this summmer I did an interview with David Nebinski for a new Seth Godin podcast fellowship project "Portfolio Career." In it, I shared my thoughts on what it means to have a rewarding career and how you might think about optimizing your pursuit of one. I also talk a little about my own career, … Continue reading How to Live & Lead a Rewarding Career (Podcast Interview)