Unless you regularly spend time around activists, one thing that might surprise you about activism is how many activists wish they weren't activists. Didn't plan to do it, don't want the gig, but feel compelled because no one else signed up. If not them, then who? I learned this (and quite a few other things) … Continue reading Why the Climate Crisis is an… Advertising Crisis?
The Best Product Marketing Advice I Can Give You
Two of my favorite books on communication are Luke Sullivan's "Hey Whipple Squeeze This - A Guide to Creating Great Ads" and Al Ries's "Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind." Although I describe them as "communications" books, they're really advertising books. Or rather, books that study communication through the lens of advertising. I'll come back to why this … Continue reading The Best Product Marketing Advice I Can Give You
How to Build a Brand the World Will Remember Tomorrow
This essay originally appeared on Percolate. Brands want to be chosen by customers, and marketing as a discipline is aimed at increasing that likelihood. As a growing body of academic research shows, almost all customer purchases are at least partially memory-based. This means a critical priority in marketing and advertising is creating and reinforcing positive brand … Continue reading How to Build a Brand the World Will Remember Tomorrow