Earlier this summmer I did an interview with David Nebinski for a new Seth Godin podcast fellowship project “Portfolio Career.” In it, I shared my thoughts on what it means to have a rewarding career and how you might think about optimizing your pursuit of one. I also talk a little about my own career, my current work on Brightest, and several frameworks and mental models I use for thinking about productivity and purposeful work, building on my last essay “What I’ve Learned So Far”.

You can stream the full interview here on Spotify (or, if you don’t have Spotify, on Portfolio Career’s Simplecast):

David’s description for Portfolio Career: This conversation is with Chris Bolman. Chris’s Portfolio Career consists of being of a marketing, communications and technology strategist and the CEO of Brightest, a technology platform for purposeful work and civic engagement and the cofounder of The Museum of Pizza, a new pop-up in New York City in October. Chris talks about four different components of his time and life design. He encourages people to try to get leverage with the four components of them. By pursuing different projects, putting yourself out there, and maybe failing, Chris believes you increase your surface area for opportunities and potential success. Chris talks about his learning experience as an early employee at venture capital backed- startup, Percolate. And so much more to learn and grow your Portfolio Career. 

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